Individual courses

Based on the firm belief that academic excellence should not be limited to those studying for a degree, the university takes pride in offering further education programmes (leading to Certificates of Advanced Study) and Individual Courses to anyone wishing to be immersed in the intellectual heritage of the Dominicans.

Certificates of Advanced Study and individual courses are validated in the same way as Bachelor level courses. A paper of 12000-16000 characters, including spaces is required for each course. The study duration for a certificate is 12 months, according to the pace and rhythm of each student, under supervision by a tutor.

Choose between:

  • 15 Certificates of Advanced Study, in Theological or Philosophical Studies
  • Over 500 Individual Courses

Choose your course by using the search engine and click on the title to see the detailed outline.

  • Accompanied courses – you have access to the learning platform and your studies will be supervised by an academic tutor. These courses are worth 3 ECTS credits which can be counted towards a study programme with Domuni or at another academic institution.
  • Read only courses: you will receive the PDF of your chosen course within 48 hours

Courses search

A Brief History of Medieval Philosophy I

A Brief History of Medieval Philosophy I

Can we be both Christians and genuine philosophers? Are faith and philosophy mutually exclusive, or not?

A Brief History of Medieval Philosophy II

A Brief History of Medieval Philosophy II

Can we be both Christians and genuine philosophers? Are faith and philosophy mutually exclusive, or not?

A Brief Introduction to and Overview of Classical Religious Hinduism

A Brief Introduction to and Overview of Classical Religious Hinduism

There are many different spiritual pathways that were born in the Indian sub-continent: Buddhist, Jain, Sikh, for example, and others that came to India such as Christian and Muslim. Hindu spirituality which represents the spiritual quest of the vast majority of the people of India is rooted in the relentless and uninterrupted search of the seers from the Indian sub-continent.



Aesthetics is a wider term which includes all kinds of objects and experiences of art, beauty and life. There are many interconnected terms to the process of understanding and the enjoyment of beauty. Artistic experience, philosophy of art, philosophy of beauty, and philosophy of aesthetics are some of the different branches of aesthetics from a general perspective.


African Myths and Philosophy

African Myths and Philosophy

This course was born out of an effort to interpret the language of Traditional Africa in terms of Western philosophy, and at the same time to see if the latter did not perhaps have, not only correlations with, but even discernible roots in the former.

An introduction to development economics

An introduction to development economics

The scope of this course is therefore inherently cross-disciplinary. 

An Introduction to Human Rights, Business and Development

An Introduction to Human Rights, Business and Development

The course will help the students appreciate the current debates on the soft law approach and the UN binding treaty approach to the handling of business and human rights impacts.

An introduction to international trade

An introduction to international trade

The course on International Trade is designed to provide you with an introduction to the theories of international trade as well as global trade governance.

An introduction to sociology of development

An introduction to sociology of development

The course covers the contexts in which various development theories have surfaced, the debates surrounding each development theory, and the ideas of the key contributors.

An Introduction to the New Testament using the Historical-Critical Method

An Introduction to the New Testament using the Historical-Critical Method

The first thing to say is that the New Testament is the second half of the Christian Bible, and follows the Old Testament and what Protestants call the Apocrypha – mostly intertestamental writings which continue to speak of God’s grace and his care for his people, the people of Israel. The New Testament is about Jesus, a Jew from Israel, who lived and died and was brought back to life again by God.

An Introduction to Thomas Aquinas

An Introduction to Thomas Aquinas

This course will enable you to explore his mind and to learn from Thomas Aquinas. The Dominican motto contemplata aliis tradere, which means contemplate and hand over to others is from Thomas, and this motto summarises the aims of the course.

Analytic Philosophy

Analytic Philosophy

This course seeks to introduce students to analytic philosophy. 

Aquinas' Notion of Friendship

Aquinas' Notion of Friendship

and its relevance to eternal happiness.

Aristotle and the Aristotelian Tradition

Aristotle and the Aristotelian Tradition

This course introduces some of the key elements in Aristotle's thought. 

Being and Knowing

Being and Knowing

Essential Questions of Philosophy in this very complete course about Being and Knowing.

Biblical Hebrew 1

Biblical Hebrew 1

Learn biblical hebrew with this very interactive course, supported by videos, audio documents and biblical texts.

Bioethics I : Foundations of Modern Bioethics

Bioethics I : Foundations of Modern Bioethics

Legal, Philosophical and Moral dimension

Bioethics II : Informed Consent and Risk Analysis

Bioethics II : Informed Consent and Risk Analysis

Investigators have a duty to ensure subjects give not only informed, but voluntary consent?

Bioethics III: Clinical Ethics & Legal Implications

Bioethics III: Clinical Ethics & Legal Implications

Concerned with restoring and strengthening bonds between professionals, patients and families, not simply dealing with principles like bioethics.

Bonaventure and Creation

Bonaventure and Creation

We willl examine aspects of Bonaventure’s work pertaining to creation extending from the broad milieu encountered in his thirteenth-century context to specific, key, areas of his speculative thought. 

Bonaventure, the Preacher

Bonaventure, the Preacher

WORKS of ST. BONAVENTURE BREVILOQUIUM Introduction, Translation and Notes by Dominic V. Monti, O.F.M. Franciscan Institute Publications The Franciscan Institute Saint Bonaventure University Saint Bonaventure, NY 14

Bonaventure, the theologian

Bonaventure, the theologian

Franciscan insights into a holistic view of the natural world has long been recognized and, indeed, is central to the intuitive vision of Francis of Assisi.

Business Ethics

Business Ethics

Completing this course will be valuable for your future career in a sense that you will be able to build your unique way of analyzing your Business environment. By applying the concepts that we will discover together, you will be able to focus on the interests of your company while being ethical.

Canon Law - Part II

Canon Law - Part II

Law is a juridical system that organizes the social aspects of humankind. For that reason the systematic oranization, the content and the governing principle of canon law and its different branches should and do conform to how well the Church’s social dimension and social structures are understood at each moment in time.

Canon Law- Part I

Canon Law- Part I

Law is a juridical system that organizes the social aspects of humankind. For that reason the systematic oranization, the content and the governing principle of canon law and its different branches should and do conform to how well the Church’s social dimension and social structures are understood at each moment in time.

Catholic Social Teaching

Catholic Social Teaching

Catholic Social Teaching (also known as Catholic Social Doctrine) sums up the teachings of the Church on social justice issues. It promotes a vision of a just society that is grounded in the Sacred Scriptures and in the wisdom gathered from experience by the Christian community as it has responded to social, economic, and political issues throughout history.

Christian-Muslim Dialogue and Secularization

Christian-Muslim Dialogue and Secularization

The aim is to explore some aspects of Christian-Muslim dialogue in Britain, against the climate of rising secularization of European societies and the changing dynamics of institutional religious channels in this context. It will also touch upon questions of faith, belonging and belief, after an in-depth analysis of the challenges secularism represents for inter-faith dialogue given the contemporary popularity of militant atheism.

Christology Part One

Christology Part One

Teaching, Death, Resurrection... History

Christology Part Two

Christology Part Two

Paul, John, Fathers of the Church, great Councils

Church History Part I

Church History Part I

Christianity is an historical religion; it’s a religion about an historical event: Jesus' life, death and resurrection. But there may be conflicts between the pastoral and the historical points of view.

Church History. Part II

Church History. Part II

The present course covers the beginning of the modern period, from the 16 th to the 18 th century. This period, especially the 16 th century, is a turning point in the history of Western culture.

Church History. Part III

Church History. Part III

African Church History.

We will not engage on a history of the missionary movement in Africa but rather on a history of indigenous forms of Christianity – that is to say the forms of life inspired by Christianity that were accepted, adapted and spread by Africans.

Contemporary Issues in Bioethics I

Contemporary Issues in Bioethics I

To show the implications of normative theories for specific moral issues or contemporary debates on particular ethical issues.

Contemporary Issues in Bioethics II

Contemporary Issues in Bioethics II

To show the implications of normative theories for specific moral issues or contemporary debates on particular ethical issues.

Critical Analysis of the Modern Theory of Human Rights: Lack of A Coherent Theoretical Framework

Critical Analysis of the Modern Theory of Human Rights:  Lack of A Coherent Theoretical Framework

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (henceforth UDHR) is both a point of arrival and a point of departure regarding our contemporary understanding of human rights. As a point of arrival, the UDHR is the result of an attempt to collate the “wisdom of the ages,” in order to find the best way to ensure the protection of the rights of all—especially after the atrocities committed during the two world wars.


David Hume: The Great Empiricist

David Hume: The Great Empiricist

This is a comprehensive and systematic course on the philosophy of David Hume – a prominent Scottish Enlightenment philosopher widely known for his influential system of philosophical empiricism, naturalism and scepticism. Based on his influential and extreme Empiricist ideas, Hume can be rightly considered as one of the most important philosophers of all time.

Decolonisation of International Development (SHS-ETC010)

Decolonisation of International Development (SHS-ETC010)

This course aims to empower students to appreciate these complexities and engage critically with the multifaceted nature of the decolonization agenda.

Divine Impassibility

Divine Impassibility

Divine Impassibility: A Thomistic Critique of Jürgen Moltmann’s Staurocentric Trinitarianism

Dominican History

Dominican History

Dominican History : The preaching campaign in the Lauragais 1206-1207

Dreifaltigkeit und Gnade bei Matthias Joseph Scheeben

Dreifaltigkeit und Gnade bei Matthias Joseph Scheeben

Der berühmte katholische Theologe Matthias Joseph Scheeben (1838-1888) wird hier studiert in der Sichtweise des "Konstruktionsprinzips" seiner Theologie: Gottes Dreifaltigkeit.

E-seminar : "New Homiletics", the preachers turn to the listener?

E-seminar : "New Homiletics", the preachers turn to the listener?

SEM 42 - Practical Theology/Homiletics

From 20th April to 15th June 2020

By Emmanuel Dumont

E-seminar : Archaeology and the Bible

E-seminar : Archaeology and the Bible

SEM 41 - Archaeology and the Bible  

From 7th October to 30th November 2019

by Hervé Tremblay 


E-seminar : Artificial intelligence and its challenges

E-seminar : Artificial intelligence and its challenges

E-seminar in philosophy

Didier Peters

From 14 April to 8 June 2025

E-seminar : Pastoral Theology

E-seminar : Pastoral Theology

SEM 40 - Pastoral Theology

October 7th - November 30th, 2019

presented by David H. Pereyra



E-Seminar : Proclaiming Holy Scriptures

E-Seminar : Proclaiming Holy Scriptures

E-seminar in Theology
by David Pereyra
From 17th April to 12th June 2023

E-seminar : State of the Humans Rights in the contemporary World

E-seminar : State of the Humans Rights in the contemporary World

E-seminar in Humans rights

Isaac Mutelo

From 14 April to 8 June 2025

E-Seminar : Women, justice, recognition and religion. Thinking these concepts together from Martha Nussbaum

E-Seminar : Women, justice, recognition and religion. Thinking these concepts together from Martha Nussbaum

This e-seminar in Philosophy will take place from 30 September to 24 November 2024. Dive into contemporary struggles with Maxime Allard. Justice, recognition, religion: three inseparable concepts for understanding the place of women today. Martha Nussbaum serves as our compass, with her insights that shed light and inspire action. This seminar invites you to question the mechanisms that are still blocking the recognition of women in the world.

E-seminar- Religious Exemptions in Liberal or Democratic States

E-seminar- Religious Exemptions in Liberal or Democratic States

SEM 43 - Philosophy and religious Studies

April 20th - June 15th, 2020

presented by Isaac Mutelo

E-Seminar: American crisis and its implications

E-Seminar: American crisis and its implications

E-seminar in Social Sciences
by Lorenzo Gallo
From 2nd october to 27th november 2023

E-Seminar: An Introduction to Asian Church History I

E-Seminar: An Introduction to Asian Church History I

E-seminar in Theology
by Adrian Judd
From 3rd October to 28th November 2022

E-seminar: Analytical Jurisprudence: Theories and Practical Application

E-seminar: Analytical Jurisprudence: Theories and Practical Application

E-seminar in Philosophy and Law

by Isaac Mutelo

From 3rd October to 28th November 2022

E-Seminar: Contemporary Issues in Homiletics

E-Seminar: Contemporary Issues in Homiletics

SEM49 - Practical Theology / Homiletics

4th October - 29th November 2021 

presented by Emmanuel Dumont, op

E-seminar: Economy and Theology

E-seminar: Economy and Theology

This e-seminar in philosophy and theology will take place from 30 September to 24 November 2024. With Srecko Koralija, economics meets theology. This seminar examines the links between economic principles and Christian values. Revisit concepts such as social justice, sustainability and the critique of capitalism through a theological lens. This is a seminar that will leave no one indifferent, as it raises fundamental questions about how the economy influences our lives.

E-Seminar: Gender Equality: Culture, Religion and Politics

E-Seminar: Gender Equality: Culture, Religion and Politics

E-seminar in Philosophy/Religion
by Isaac Mutelo
From 02 october to 27 november 2023

E-seminar: Indian Logic

E-seminar: Indian Logic

SEM - Philosophy 

5th October - 30th November 2020 

presented by Rajen Lakra

E-seminar: Issues in African Philosophy and Theology

E-seminar: Issues in African Philosophy and Theology

SEM - Philosophy and Theology

5th October - 30th November 2020 

presented by Cornelius Ewuoso

E-Seminar: Learning to Dwell

E-Seminar: Learning to Dwell

E-seminar in Philosophy
by Jaco Kruger
From 17th April to 12th June 2023

E-Seminar: Natural  Law: its  origin  and  implication

E-Seminar: Natural  Law: its  origin  and  implication

E-seminar - Philosophy and Natural Law
by Lorenzo Gallo
From 5th to 26th July 2021 - Summer Course

E-Seminar: Orthodox theology and the future of ecumenical dialogue

E-Seminar: Orthodox theology and the future of ecumenical dialogue

E-seminar in Theology
by Jesmond Micallef
From 12th April to 7th June 2021

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