Individual courses

Based on the firm belief that academic excellence should not be limited to those studying for a degree, the university takes pride in offering further education programmes (leading to Certificates of Advanced Study) and Individual Courses to anyone wishing to be immersed in the intellectual heritage of the Dominicans.

Certificates of Advanced Study and individual courses are validated in the same way as Bachelor level courses. A paper of 12000-16000 characters, including spaces is required for each course. The study duration for a certificate is 12 months, according to the pace and rhythm of each student, under supervision by a tutor.

Choose between:

  • 15 Certificates of Advanced Study, in Theological or Philosophical Studies
  • Over 500 Individual Courses

Choose your course by using the search engine and click on the title to see the detailed outline.

  • Accompanied courses – you have access to the learning platform and your studies will be supervised by an academic tutor. These courses are worth 3 ECTS credits which can be counted towards a study programme with Domuni or at another academic institution.
  • Read only courses: you will receive the PDF of your chosen course within 48 hours

Courses search

A Brief History of Medieval Philosophy I

A Brief History of Medieval Philosophy I

Can we be both Christians and genuine philosophers? Are faith and philosophy mutually exclusive, or not?

A Brief History of Medieval Philosophy II

A Brief History of Medieval Philosophy II

Can we be both Christians and genuine philosophers? Are faith and philosophy mutually exclusive, or not?

Bonaventure, the Preacher

Bonaventure, the Preacher

WORKS of ST. BONAVENTURE BREVILOQUIUM Introduction, Translation and Notes by Dominic V. Monti, O.F.M. Franciscan Institute Publications The Franciscan Institute Saint Bonaventure University Saint Bonaventure, NY 14

Canon Law- Part I

Canon Law- Part I

Law is a juridical system that organizes the social aspects of humankind. For that reason the systematic oranization, the content and the governing principle of canon law and its different branches should and do conform to how well the Church’s social dimension and social structures are understood at each moment in time.

Catholic Social Teaching

Catholic Social Teaching

Catholic Social Teaching (also known as Catholic Social Doctrine) sums up the teachings of the Church on social justice issues. It promotes a vision of a just society that is grounded in the Sacred Scriptures and in the wisdom gathered from experience by the Christian community as it has responded to social, economic, and political issues throughout history.

Church History Part I

Church History Part I

Christianity is an historical religion; it’s a religion about an historical event: Jesus' life, death and resurrection. But there may be conflicts between the pastoral and the historical points of view.

Church History. Part II

Church History. Part II

The present course covers the beginning of the modern period, from the 16 th to the 18 th century. This period, especially the 16 th century, is a turning point in the history of Western culture.

Church History. Part III

Church History. Part III

African Church History.

We will not engage on a history of the missionary movement in Africa but rather on a history of indigenous forms of Christianity – that is to say the forms of life inspired by Christianity that were accepted, adapted and spread by Africans.

Dominican History

Dominican History

Dominican History : The preaching campaign in the Lauragais 1206-1207

Dreifaltigkeit und Gnade bei Matthias Joseph Scheeben

Dreifaltigkeit und Gnade bei Matthias Joseph Scheeben

Der berühmte katholische Theologe Matthias Joseph Scheeben (1838-1888) wird hier studiert in der Sichtweise des "Konstruktionsprinzips" seiner Theologie: Gottes Dreifaltigkeit.

Early Christian Art

Early Christian Art

This course critically reviews early Christian and Byzantine art from the 2nd to 6th Century.

Eastern Church history and cultural landmarks

Eastern Church history and cultural landmarks

This course will look at some issues of theological controversy between East and West.



This course explores the mystery of the Church as seen in the light of Vatican II.

Ecumenical Biblical Hermeneutics

Ecumenical Biblical Hermeneutics

The aim of this first set of readings is to gain familiarity and/or to review the literary history of the Bible: namely, religious, socio-political, cultural factors which shaped the structure and content of both testaments.

Ecumenical Hagiology

Ecumenical Hagiology

In the lives of the sains lifes " lives" the Christian vision of God, man, and the world which stand all​ out very clearly. Men can learn almost as much about the real meaning of Christianity from the legends of the saints produced within the tradition of the Church as from the authentic lives themselves. Through the reading and studying the lifes of the saints​ who arrived before us in the promised land​, we came to know how God works in the daily lives of Christians and how faith can be lived not only in good times but especially during persecution and suffering. This helps us to appreciate more our faith and make us grow in loving our brothers as part of God's providence.

Ecumenical Theology

Ecumenical Theology

As reasoned discourse about God ecumenical theology is focussing on God’s will for unity among Christians. 

History of the Ecumenical Movement

History of the Ecumenical Movement

Like all movements, ecumenism had its beginnings and thus it has a history to be studied.

Introduction to Catholic Tradition

Introduction to Catholic Tradition

This course gives a survey on the Catholic tradition by examining a series of documents like Lumen Gentium and other documents of Vatican II.

Introduction to the Protestant Tradition

Introduction to the Protestant Tradition

This course helps us to get in touch and explore with the this 16th century religious movement the originated in western Europe over against the prevailing Roman Catholicism.

Methods in Ecumenical Dialogue

Methods in Ecumenical Dialogue

Ecumenical dialogue requires a methodology to move from disagreement to consensus. 

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