
The Academic Staff of Domuni Universitas

In dulcedine societatis, quaerere veritatem « To seek the truth in the pleasantness of community ». Albert the Great

Leading specialists

Domuni University recruits specialists in philosophy and theology based on their academic and research credentials. There are over 300 academic teaching staff of whom 60% are Dominicans.
For the most part, our teaching staff also have commitments at other Dominican universities or educational centres.

An international teaching body

Domuni University boasts of an international teaching body. The staff are based in a wide range of countries and teach in one of the four main languages of Domuni University – French, Spanish, Arabic and English.
In the French section the teaching staff come from over 40 different countries. All in all, the academic teaching body is composed of some 60 different nationalities.
This diversity enables Domuni University to offer students a rare intellectual heritage. It is a reflection of research studies conducted in many countries.

A direct Student – Teacher relationship

The teaching at Domuni University cannot be face-to-face although students are still able to have contact with the academic staff. The Do-Moodle learning platform facilitates communications between students and academic staff, students being able to address their questions to the academic staff. Yearly assessments, organised at an assessment centre local to the student also offer the opportunity to get to know one another.

A personalised Tutorial system

Each student is allocated a tutor for the duration of his or her studies. The role of the tutor is to accompany the student, to encourage them in their studies and to help resolve any administrative problems that may be encountered.

Professors list

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