Gustave Ineza

First Name: Gustave
Surname: INEZA
Date of birth: 25 December 1982
Nationality: Rwandese
Home Language: Kinyarwanda
Other Languages: French (2nd language), English, Kirundi, Italian (reading),
Arabic (currently learning).
Current: University of Oxford
Highest Standard Passed: Master of Theology in Applied Theology
Year: 2013
Institution: BTh from St Joseph’s Theological Institute
Highest Standard Passed: Bachelor of Theology (Magna Cum Laude)
Year: 2010
Institution: Grand Séminaire de Bujumbura
Highest Standard Passed: Bachelier en Philosophie (Urbaniana Pontifical University)
Year: 2006
High School: High School certificate (in Latin et Sciences: Distinction)
School: Petit Séminaire Saint Jean de Nkumba - Rwanda
Year: 2000
8 March 2014: Graduated from the University of Oxford.
8 February 2014: Ordained to the ministerial priesthood in the Roman Catholic Church
September 2013: Submitted my dissertation: “An Analytical Study of the Viability of Christian-Muslim dialogue vis-à-vis the Challenges of Secularization in Great Britain”
2013: Completed paper: “Christian Presence in the Middle East and Christian Projects for Muslim-Christian Dialogue: A Case Study of the Dominican Institute for Oriental Studies in Cairo.” From research work at the IDEO ( in Cairo/Egypt.
2012: Completed: “A Critical Consideration of the Contributions of Mysticism and Spirituality in the Christian-Muslim Dialogue”. Paper presented at a conference of the series ‘Engaging Particularities” at Boston College (USA) in March 2013.
2012: Completed “An Analysis of the Influence of Fanatical and Fundamentalist Religious Communities on Coexistence in Religiously Plural Societies: Reference to Fundamental Islam in Western Europe and in the United States of America”.
2007-2010: Studied at Saint Joseph’s Theological Institute in South Africa. Degree: BTh.
Dissertation: “Ordination of Women to Ministerial Priesthood in the Roman Catholic Church: Biblical, Historical, Theological and Social considerations.”
2007 - 2009: Assistant Chaplain of Durban University of Technology – Pietermaritzburg.
2005-2006: Worked in Printing and Publishing House (composition section)
Columnist in a magazine (Hobe) for Rwandese Children
Employer: Pallotti Presse (for the Pallottine Fathers)
2003-2005: Degree in Philosophy (Pontifical Urbanianna University).
2002 (from June to July): Military training (Section Commander).
2000-2001: Teacher and Basketball coach at an All Girls’ High School (Rwaza – Ruhengeri/Rwanda)