Master 2 Concentration: Theological Studies

Master 2 Concentration: Theological Studies

Length: 1 year (can be spread over 2 calendar years)

Preparing for degree: Master of Arts in Theology

Entry requirements: Master 1 in Religious Studies or Master 1 in Theology (or equivalent)

Choose 4 courses and 1 research seminar from below - to be approved by the Director of Studies


The second year of the Master’s in Theology (M2, Master 2) - Concentration: Theological Studies provides a specialized training in the theological field. It allows the student to specialize in the knowledge of the great dogmatic themes: Christology, Trinitarian Theology, Ecclesiology, Sacraments... To this end, the student is invited to examine the history of the development of dogma, through the great conciliar debates, magisterial reference texts and the study of the great theologians.

During this year, the student writes a research thesis under the direction of a qualified professor, which he or she is required to defend before a jury. The thesis is to be of 350 000 characters - (including spaces). Successful completion of the Master’s degree would enable students to teach and to go on to PhD studies.



The program is structured into:

  • an Educational component with specialized courses and interactive online seminars
  • a Research component with a thesis, supervised by a research director


Courses and assignments

   4 courses

  24 ECTS

Online seminars and assignments

   1 seminar

  6 ECTS


   1 thesis

  30 ECTS



The courses available for the Master 2 in Theology program - Concentration: Theological Studies can be seen below, with a detailed description for each one. The student should choose their courses after completing the administrative registration application and this choice will be validated by the Board of Studies.



The pedagogy of Domuni does not rely solely on reading. The interactive seminars are regularly offered for Master’s students. These are research seminars where students work synchronously: the seminars take place at fixed times and all participants study at the same time. Seminars are an opportunity for real dialogue-based research, led by a professor. The findings from seminars can lead to publication in Telos, the university’s journal.



Each course is evaluated by

- a 10-question quiz

- a long paper (10-15 pages)


At the end of the academic year

- The thesis defense concludes the MA 2.



In addition to the fact that students can take more time and study one academic year over two calendar years, examinations, since the Covid 19 pandemic, can be done by videoconferencing, in front of the jury. For the thesis defense, assessments last one hour and are recorded. This arrangement helps to protect the environment (by avoiding travel), to save time and money and of course to avoid transmitting the Covid 19 virus.

It is also worth noting that enrollment happens daily. As soon as the registration process is completed, students receive a code that allows them to access the Domoodle teaching platform and begin studying. As mentioned above, each academic year can be spread over two calendar years without the need to re-enroll or pay tuition fees again.



List of Courses

Trinity Part I

Trinity Part I

This course examines the foundations of trinitarian doctrine in revelation.

Trinity part II

Trinity part III

Trinity Part II

Trinity Part II

This course examines the foundations of trinitarian doctrine in revelation.

Trinity Part I

Trinity Part III

The Trinitarian Christology of Hans Urs von Balthasar

The Trinitarian Christology of Hans Urs von Balthasar

In sum, the Father’s kenosis to the Son, and the kenosis of the Father and the Son to the Holy Spirit correspond to the very essence of God which can only be love. 

Professeur Fr. Chukwudi Onyinyechukwu ANOLIEFO, op

Trinity Part III

Trinity Part III

This course examines the foundations of trinitarian doctrine in revelation.

Trinity Part I

Trinity Part II

Gerald O'Collins' Understanding of Symbols, Experience and Divine Revelation

Gerald O'Collins' Understanding of Symbols, Experience and Divine Revelation

An Accommodation for a Christian Approach to the World Religions and Interreligious Dialogue in the Line of Jacques Dupuis

Christology Part One

Christology Part One

Teaching, Death, Resurrection... History

Christology Part Two

Christology Part Two

Paul, John, Fathers of the Church, great Councils

Introduction to the Synoptic Gospels - Part II

Introduction to the Synoptic Gospels - Part II

This course introduces you to the debates about the meaning of the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke/Acts. What were the theological interests of the authors of the Synoptic Gospels?

Introduction to the Synoptic Gospels - Part III

Introduction to the Synoptic Gospels - Part III

What is the Jesus presented in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke like? How did he understand himself? How did the Evangelists understand him? Is that the same or different to the understanding of the disciples?

Philosophy of Religion

Philosophy of Religion

Philosophy of Religion is also known as Philosophical Theology or Philosophy of God. Other names include Natural Theology and Theodicy.

Introduction to critical thinking. Part II

Introduction to critical thinking. Part II

The modern epistemological problem has two aspects:

1. The opposition between science and philosophy or truth and error. We find this basically in Descartes and Kant.

2. The conflict between science and science or that of contemporary and classic physics and not an opposition between science and philosophy or truth and error.

Thomas Aquinas Studies

Thomas Aquinas Studies

A specialised course in Thomistic issues by fr. Gilles Emery, OP,  a leading specialist in this discipline !

For MA students only

Liturgy Part One

Liturgy Part One

The course provides the theological and historical foundations for understanding the evolution of Christian liturgical forms, and pastoral practice. The course will examine the major moments in the historical development of the liturgy in both East and West from the New Testament era with its Jewish foundations to the present.

Liturgy Part Two

Liturgy Part Two

The course will examine the major moments in the historical development of the liturgy in both East and West from the New Testament era with its Jewish foundations to the present. Attention will be given to the role of ritual and symbol in human life, the relationship of liturgy to society and culture, and critical approaches to liturgical practice.

Methods in Ecumenical Dialogue

Methods in Ecumenical Dialogue

Ecumenical dialogue requires a methodology to move from disagreement to consensus. 

Ecumenical Biblical Hermeneutics

Ecumenical Biblical Hermeneutics

The aim of this first set of readings is to gain familiarity and/or to review the literary history of the Bible: namely, religious, socio-political, cultural factors which shaped the structure and content of both testaments.

History of the Ecumenical Movement

History of the Ecumenical Movement

Like all movements, ecumenism had its beginnings and thus it has a history to be studied.

Divine Impassibility

Divine Impassibility

Divine Impassibility: A Thomistic Critique of Jürgen Moltmann’s Staurocentric Trinitarianism

Bonaventure, the Preacher

Bonaventure, the Preacher

WORKS of ST. BONAVENTURE BREVILOQUIUM Introduction, Translation and Notes by Dominic V. Monti, O.F.M. Franciscan Institute Publications The Franciscan Institute Saint Bonaventure University Saint Bonaventure, NY 14

Newman's Theory of Doctrinal Development

Newman's Theory of Doctrinal Development

Application of the Newmanian Criteriology on the Axiom "Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus"

Introduction to the Synoptic Gospels - Part I

Introduction to the Synoptic Gospels - Part I

How are the Gospels of Mark, Matthew and Luke interrelated? Did Matthew and Luke both use a written source 'Q' and Mark, when composing their Gospels? Did they each have their own sources as well? 

Trinitarian Ontology

Trinitarian Ontology

Both traditions, classical Greek metaphysics and Trinitarian theology, link “being” with life, but Trinitarian theology deepens the connection by making “relation” essential to the “First Principle” in a way that ultimately produces something new, a Trinitarian ontology.

An Introduction to Thomas Aquinas

An Introduction to Thomas Aquinas

This course will enable you to explore his mind and to learn from Thomas Aquinas. The Dominican motto contemplata aliis tradere, which means contemplate and hand over to others is from Thomas, and this motto summarises the aims of the course.

E-Seminar: Contemporary Issues in Homiletics

E-Seminar: Contemporary Issues in Homiletics

SEM49 - Practical Theology / Homiletics

4th October - 29th November 2021 

presented by Emmanuel Dumont, op

E-seminar: Our Doors Are Open. Welcoming People with Disabilities at Places of Worship

E-seminar: Our Doors Are Open. Welcoming People with Disabilities  at Places of Worship

SEM66 - Seminar in Theology

4th October - 29th November 2021

presented by David H. Pereyra

Foundations of Moral Theology

Foundations of Moral Theology

The aim of this course is to discuss the precepts, principles, and values of Catholic morality.

New Testament Greek 2

New Testament Greek 2
Prerequisite: completion of NT Greek 1 with a minimum grade of 12/20 or previous study of New Testament Greek.


Jewish Heroines of the Deuterocanonical Books of the Old Testament: A Study of Judith, Sarah and Esther

Jewish Heroines of the Deuterocanonical Books of the Old Testament: A Study of Judith, Sarah and Esther

Students will be introduced to the methods known as Rhetorical Biblical Criticism and Theological Criticism of the Bible.

E-Seminar : Proclaiming Holy Scriptures

E-Seminar : Proclaiming Holy Scriptures

E-seminar in Theology
by David Pereyra
From 17th April to 12th June 2023

The Centrality of the Cross in Hans Urs Von Balthasar’s Christology

The Centrality of the Cross in Hans Urs Von Balthasar’s Christology

This course focuses on the centrality of the Cross in Hans Urs von Balthasar’s Christology.

Introduction to Midrashim: Technique, corpus and exegetical work

Introduction to Midrashim: Technique, corpus and exegetical work

The goal is to understand the differences between halakhic and aggadic midrashim, exegetical and homiletical midrashim, midrashim and targumim.