Individual courses

Based on the firm belief that academic excellence should not be limited to those studying for a degree, the university takes pride in offering further education programmes (leading to Certificates of Advanced Study) and Individual Courses to anyone wishing to be immersed in the intellectual heritage of the Dominicans.

Certificates of Advanced Study and individual courses are validated in the same way as Bachelor level courses. A paper of 12000-16000 characters, including spaces is required for each course. The study duration for a certificate is 12 months, according to the pace and rhythm of each student, under supervision by a tutor.

Choose between:

  • 15 Certificates of Advanced Study, in Theological or Philosophical Studies
  • Over 500 Individual Courses

Choose your course by using the search engine and click on the title to see the detailed outline.

  • Accompanied courses – you have access to the learning platform and your studies will be supervised by an academic tutor. These courses are worth 3 ECTS credits which can be counted towards a study programme with Domuni or at another academic institution.
  • Read only courses: you will receive the PDF of your chosen course within 48 hours

Courses search

A Brief Introduction to and Overview of Classical Religious Hinduism

A Brief Introduction to and Overview of Classical Religious Hinduism

There are many different spiritual pathways that were born in the Indian sub-continent: Buddhist, Jain, Sikh, for example, and others that came to India such as Christian and Muslim. Hindu spirituality which represents the spiritual quest of the vast majority of the people of India is rooted in the relentless and uninterrupted search of the seers from the Indian sub-continent.

Aquinas' Notion of Friendship

Aquinas' Notion of Friendship

and its relevance to eternal happiness.

Bonaventure, the Preacher

Bonaventure, the Preacher

WORKS of ST. BONAVENTURE BREVILOQUIUM Introduction, Translation and Notes by Dominic V. Monti, O.F.M. Franciscan Institute Publications The Franciscan Institute Saint Bonaventure University Saint Bonaventure, NY 14

Divine Impassibility

Divine Impassibility

Divine Impassibility: A Thomistic Critique of Jürgen Moltmann’s Staurocentric Trinitarianism

Dominican History

Dominican History

Dominican History : The preaching campaign in the Lauragais 1206-1207

Gerald O'Collins' Understanding of Symbols, Experience and Divine Revelation

Gerald O'Collins' Understanding of Symbols, Experience and Divine Revelation

An Accommodation for a Christian Approach to the World Religions and Interreligious Dialogue in the Line of Jacques Dupuis

Jesus Christ and the World Religions

Jesus Christ and the World Religions

The Unique and Universal Mediation of Jesus Christ in Relation to the Theology of Religions



Liturgy is primary theology.

Monasticism in Buddhism and in the Catholic Church

Monasticism in Buddhism and in the Catholic Church

Common elements of Monasticism in Myanmar Buddhism and in the Latin Catholic Church, in preparation for an Interreligious Dialogue : a Comparative Study

Sacramental Life Part I

Sacramental Life Part I

Part One includes: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist.

Sacramental Life Part II

Sacramental Life Part II

Part Two includes: Anointing, Reconciliation, Marriage, Ordination.

Social and political philosophy

Social and political philosophy

There are many different definitions of Social Political Philosophy (SPP): the political can be defined as social decision making; philosophy is the most general form of inquiry that is the attempt to say what it is true and why. 

The Centrality of the Cross in Hans Urs Von Balthasar’s Christology

The Centrality of the Cross in Hans Urs Von Balthasar’s Christology

This course focuses on the centrality of the Cross in Hans Urs von Balthasar’s Christology.

The Creed

The Creed

The Creed (divided in 12 parts)


The Epistles of John

The Epistles of John

This course places the Epistles of John within their context in the New Testament with the Gospel of John. It invites you to think for yourself about the meaning of the texts, and the relationship between the Epistles and the Gospel.

The Song of Songs

The Song of Songs

The Song of Songs is a lock whose key had been lost long ago. As a matter a fact, no book that small has caused that many commentaries and questions along centuries.

Theology of Grace : God’s Life in us - The Authentic Life of our Human Spirit

Theology of Grace : God’s Life in us - The Authentic Life of our Human Spirit

Grace is God’s life in us, the authentic life of our human spirit or what our life is truly called to be. Without our participation in the life of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Trinity) through baptism, we cannot truly be Christian and without grace we cannot truly live a Christian life.

Trinitarian Ontology

Trinitarian Ontology

Both traditions, classical Greek metaphysics and Trinitarian theology, link “being” with life, but Trinitarian theology deepens the connection by making “relation” essential to the “First Principle” in a way that ultimately produces something new, a Trinitarian ontology.

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