The Director of the Spanish section of Domuni was appointed Provincial of Spain
Professor Jesús Díaz Sariego op, Director of the Spanish section of our University and Professor of Christology and Mariology was appointed the new Prior Provincial of the Dominican Province of Spain
Collaboration between Domuni and Radio Veritas
The link to have an access to Radio Veritas is:
Dominicanism. Online Course for IDYM Members (April 6th-June14th, 2015)
In gratitude for your collaboration with DOMUNI, the Dominican University Online, we offer IDYM members, free of charge, a course about Dominicanism to support personal formation and to reflect together with other young people in this community study experience.
IEOP General Assembly – Dublin 2014
Fr. Michel Van Aerde OP addressed the assembly on the recent developments of the DOMUNI project at the IEOP General Assembly – Dublin 2014
Fr Yousif Thomas Mirkis, OP is the New Archbishop of Kirkuk of the Chaldeans
Our brother fray Mirtis op Yousif, professor of the Baghdad Academy, whose courses are available in Domuni, was appointed bishop of Kirkuq (Iraq).
Charisms in cyberspace
More and more religious orders now offer online courses sharing their spirituality and heritage. Johan Bergström-Allen browses the mendicant, monastic and other resources available at the click of a mouse.