John Locke's Epistemology and Political Philosophy

John Locke : seventeenth century English philosopher, one of the greatest Enlightenment thinkers and forerunner of Liberalism and British Empiricism.
Course code: PHI0008
Professor: Isaac MuteloDescription
John Locke was an influential seventeenth century English philosopher and regarded as one of the greatest Enlightenment thinkers and forerunner of Liberalism and British Empiricism. He can be considered as among the most famous and prominent philosophers and theorists of the seventeenth century. This course offers an extensive and comprehensive account of John Locke’s epistemology and political philosophy based on his core ideas, themes and writings.
Table of content
Section I – Introduction to John Locke
Section II – Locke’s Political Philosophy I
Section III - Locke’s Political Philosophy II
Section IV – Locke’s Epistemology
Section V - Knowledge of the External World