Hegel - A systematic philosophy

Hegel - A systematic philosophy

The Hegelian philosophy presents itself as a system, a systematic knowledge. It is not the expression of a feeling or an intuition. Philosophy is a science, a knowledge. It's not a way of life like ancient philosophy...

Course code: PHILEN025

Professor: Emmanuel Boissieu


  • Read The Phenomenology of the Spirit, a fundamental text in the history of philosophy but a difficult approach.
  • To be initiated to one of the philosophies of history
  • Discovering the systematic nature of Hegel's thinking
  • Perceiving the nature of absolute idealism and its relation to other German idealisms
  • Understanding the nature of speculative logic
  • To grasp the finality of this thought, to propose an absolute knowledge
  • Thinking about the question of human freedom within historicity

Learning outcomes 

  • To have studied several texts of The Phenomenology of the Mind
  • To have assimilated the main Hegelian philosophical notions, in a logical order, speculative, ontological


Hegelian thinking is difficult. It requires a great deal of effort on the part of the student.The student will have to be able to enter into a complex conceptuality. He will have to get used to a speculative logic and adopt a philosophical attitude in order to understand the whole of human becoming.This course is intended for advanced students in philosophy. It also requires a thorough knowledge of the history of philosophy.

Table of contents


Stage 1. Despair of the object

Stage 2. The immediacy of life

Stage 3. The inadequacies of self-consciousness

Stage 4. The failure of observing reason 1. The observation of nature

Stage 5. The failure of reason 2. Observation of human individuality

Stage 6. The failure of the last figures of reason

Stage 7. The tragedy of the immediate spirit

Stage 8. Alienation from the world of culture

Stage 9. The failure of Enlightenment

Stage 10. Terror or failure of absolute freedom

Stage 11. The failure of morality

Stage 12. Religion or the limits of representation

Stage 13. Absolute knowledge or "the spirit knowing itself as a figure of spirit"