Communiqué - Life of the Faculties and Academic Appointment
New courses are enriching the academic offerings, while an instructional designer has been appointed to strengthen the coordination of teaching teams.
New courses are enriching the academic offerings, while an instructional designer has been appointed to strengthen the coordination of teaching teams.
The PhD School seminar of Domuni Universitas took place on Wednesday, January 22, 2025, gathering over thirty participants from across the globe.
Marie Monnet sends you her warmest wishes for 2025 and shares Domuni's ambitions for a year of innovation and fraternity.
A Christmas message imbued with solidarity and hope, addressed to all, especially to regions in crisis where our students and colleagues live. An invitation to draw strength and unity from diversity to build a more fraternal world.
During the autumn plenary session of the Academic Senate of Domuni-Universitas, held on 28 November 2024, key topics on academic quality and pedagogical innovation were discussed. A new board was also elected for a two-year term.
Upon recently discovering Pope Francis' letter on the role of literature in education, I was struck by its depth and insight. He speaks of reading not as mere leisure but as a true school for the mind and heart.
Professor María José Caram, who teaches theology in Spanish at Domuni Universitas and the Catholic University of Córdoba (Argentina), pays tribute to Gustavo Gutiérrez, OP, recently deceased, who was her friend and mentor
At the start of this academic year, new teachers are joining the Domuni-Universitas teaching staff.
A new "Marketing Research" course is now online. Led by Professor Beugre Arnaud Gbalé, this program teaches essential data analysis and collection techniques to develop effective marketing strategies and address today’s market challenges.
I am writing to you from Cairo, a city rich with a thousand stories, close to regions still affected by conflicts that, unfortunately, continue to shake our world. It is striking to think that Domuni Universitas breathes with two lungs: one in the West, the other in the East.