Communiqué - Appointments And News From Academic Senate

29 september 2023
Marie MONNET, Rector, appointed
(In alphabetical order)
- Mr Rawad Al Feghali, of Lebanese nationality, as Head of Communications, for an indefinite period from September 15, 2023.
- Fr. Ameer Jajé, op, of French-Iraqi nationality, as Vice-Rector, for a 5-year term, until August 31, 2028. This appointment was ratified, by a unanimous vote, and in accordance with the statutes, by a vote of the Academic Senate, meeting in its inaugural session on the same day. The Rector warmly thanks fr. Ameer for his availability.
- Fr. Michel Van Aerde, op, of French nationality, as Senior Advisor, with particular responsibility for international partnerships and fundraising projects. The Rectorate would like to thank Fr. Michel for having agreed to make the excellence of his know-how and experience available to the new team.
Moreover, the Academic Senate held its inaugural meeting on 29 September 2023. It discussed issues relating to the start of the academic year, in particular the implementation of new partnerships, the updating of the strategic plan, the forthcoming student and faculty elections, the state of research, publications and future international conferences. The Senate also heard about and discussed the communications plan, and heard from the deans of faculties.