Domuni and UN-OP in partnership

10 august 2020
Dominicans for Justice and Peace (Order of Preachers) is a faith-based non-profit and non governmental organization representing the Order of Preachers (Dominicans) to the United Nations (UN). The principal objective of Dominicans for Justice and Peace is to deepen the engagement of all Dominicans in finding peaceful solutions to conflicts, in addressing the root causes of various contemporary challenges, in promoting and protecting the human rights of all, and in bringing justice to people whose rights have been violated.
The partnership between the two institutions
The two institutions are under the direct responsibility of the Master of the Order of Preachers (Dominicans). Both have ECOSOC (Economic and Social Council of the United Nations) status with the United Nations. Their partnership gives the opportunity to pool their resources and to strengthen multilingual distance learning on the Do-Moodle platform.