Online Resources


Domuni University has a large bibliographic collection in different languages. More than 500 texts are available online (articles, lectures, conferences, homilies, unpublished works) either to purchase or with open access. They are grouped and categorized in around twenty themes ranging from the history of the dominican order to fundamental theological issues, and include the fields of science and spirituality.


Dominican Ashram

Dominican Ashram

Dominican Ashram is a quarterly review devoted to Dominican mission and life, history, spirituality, new ventures and other interesting apostolic endeavours carried out by Dominican men and women in different parts of the world. It appears in March, June, September and December.

On Unknowing God

On Unknowing God

An epistolary meditation on the Cognoscibility of God, by Xavier Morales

1. About Man's likeness to God

2. On God as a person

3. Contemplation vs. Real Life?