Latin Part II

Table of contents
- Lesson 11 : Irregular verbs. Impersonal verbs
- Lesson 12 : Gerund. Gerundive (Futur passive participle). Supin
- Lesson 13 : The 4th and 5th declension. Accusative, genitive and dative
- Lesson 14 : Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns (hic, haec hoc ; iste, ista, istud, ille, illa, illud ; idem, eadim, idem ; ipse, ipsa, ipsum)
- Lesson 15 : Indefinite adjective / pronouns alius and alter. Locative ablative. Ablative of time
- Lesson 16 : Numbers. The uses of the ablative case ·
- Lesson 17 : Interrogatice pronouns (quis, quae, quid ; qui, quae, quod). Indefinite adjectives / pronouns (aliquis, aliqua, aliquod ; aliqui, aliqua, aliquod)
- Lesson 18 : Subjunctive mood. Subjonctive clause
- Lesson 19 : Imperative mood. Sequences of tenses. Subordinate use of subjunctives
- Lesson 20: Indirect statements. Latin questions. Indirect questions