Food Governance and Development Goals

The course introduce the students to the complex architecture of the global food governance, its historical evolution and the inherent challenges.
Course code: SHS-ETC03
Professor: Dr. Stanslaus MuyebeCourse description:
The aim of this course is to introduce the students to the complex architecture of the global food governance, its historical evolution and the inherent challenges that limit its effectiveness in addressing the problem of global hunger, climate change and attainment of 2030-food related SDGs.
Learning outcomes:
On successful completion of this course students will be able to
- Discuss the fragmentation of the global food governance
- Assess the evolving role of non-state actor in the global food governance
- Offer a critical appraisal of the governance frames in relation to food and trade
- Offer a critical appraisal of the theories that explain symbiotic food systems
- Fragmentation in the architecture of global food governance
- Non-state actors and the architecture of global food governance
- Governance frames within the architecture of global food governance
- Symbiotic food governance frame