Oct. 26, 2021
Locating Papal Documents

Tired of looking for authoritative sources for Papal and Magisterial documents? This workshop will show where and how to find official Vatican documents. It will also demonstrate how to cite these documents correctly in academic writing.
This Domuni Live event is primarily designed for students in Faculty of Theology but is open to all interested students.
Proposed and hosted by Professor Jack Lynch.
Date: Tuesday 26 October 2021
Time: From 14.00 to 15.15 (Brussels)
We look forward to seeing you there.
About this workshop:
- to demonstrate how to find reliable sources for Papal and Magisterial documents for student research
- to instruct students on proper documentation of Papal and Magisterial documents in academic writing
- to support students in their theological and academic writing and research
Running of the event:
- 15 minutes will be spent in student introductions
- 15 minutes will be spent on demonstrating and exploring the Vatican’s online archives. Professor Lynch will show students what sorts of documents are available and where to find them. Examples of Papal, Conciliar and CDF documents will be shown to the students.
- 15 minutes will be spent on documenting the correct citation for Papal and Magisterial documents according to the Turabian Study Guide. A handout will be provided.
- 20 minutes for Questions and Answers
- 10 minutes for summing up at the end