May 14, 2022
International Conference on Hope

International Conference on Hope
Saturday 14 May 2022
At 19:30 CEST
Register by simply sending an email to cdevs@udominicaine.ca. You will receive your free Zoom link.
Do you tend to despair of yourself, and sometimes of others? Does your ability to avoid crises repeatedly fail? You no longer feel like hoping against all odds?
Don't panic! Emmanuel Durand, Dominican and theologian, invites you to hope in his international conference on Saturday 14 May 2022 at 7.30 pm (Cairo, Rome, Switzerland, Belgium and France time!). Please note that the usual times change to allow all countries to connect at the same time (in Quebec and Ontario, it will be 1:30 pm).
In Jerusalem, it will be 8.30 pm. In Reunion Island, it will be 9.30 pm.
- Understanding the difference between hope and hopefulness
- Discovering what hope is about
- Managing the possible in everyday life and hoping for the impossible
- Live question and answer session with Emmanuel Durand
This conference will be held in French and is open to all
We hope to see you on Saturday 14 May 2022 at 7.30 pm CEST.