To train on a question in a complete way, being accompanied by a teacher-tutor. Intermediate programs for individuals seeking a complete training.


Meeting between students and teachers

They converged towards Lyon on this sunny April morning, a brief ray of light in the middle of a rainy spring. "They" are the distance learning students at Domuni-Universitas. Some of them come from far and wide. "Because it's worth it", they say.

Happy Easter

Easter is a time of profound significance for the Christian community worldwide, marking the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is a time of renewal and hope, symbolizing the victory of life over death, of light over darkness.

International Journals

Domuni in a few words...

3 Faculties

3 Faculties

Philosophy, Theology, Social Sciences



Bologna Agreement

Bologna Agreement

Evaluation in ECTS (European Credit Transfer System)

Distance Learning

Distance Learning

A Borderless University

A Borderless University

Courses in 5 languages

Courses in 5 languages

French, English, Spanish, Italian, Arabic