FR / EN / ES / IT / AR

Muslim Organisations in South Africa. Political Role Post-1948

Isaac Mutelo

Collezioni: Philosophy
ISBN 978-2-36648-185-3
ISSN 2607-9321

The historical development of the relationship between Muslims and Politics in South Africa indicates that Islam has played an important role in the political sphere since the dawn of the apartheid political dispensation in 1948. Thus, there has been a need to comprehensively and systematically explore the political involvement of Muslim organisations, the various ways in which they have featured in the political landscape and why such involvement is important. By closely examining the political involvement of several Muslim organisations in the post-1948 South Africa, this work offers a critical and exhaustive description of the role Islam has played in South African politics.

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Paper Digital

Data di pubblicazione

Data di pubblicazione: 19 Gennaio 2023
Data di pubblicazione: English
Pagine: 244
Dimensioni: 156 x 234 mm
Formato: Paper & Digital
Isaac Mutelo
Isaac Mutelo

Is a teacher in Political Philosophy at Domuni Universitas (Toulouse, France) and Lecturer and Director of Quality Assurance at Arrupe Jesuit University (Harare, Zimbabwe). He is also a religious Catholic Priest belonging to the Order of Preachers, commonly known as Dominicans. He is a graduate in Theology, Philosophy and Education, and acquired his MA and PhD degrees in Philosophy with a specialisation in religion and politics from the University of KwaZulu Natal in South Africa.

Parole chiavi: Islam, Muslim organisations, South Africa, politic, apartheid