All the issues of the journal Telos now online!
Discover the first five issues of the international journal Telos
Discover the first five issues of the international journal Telos
The journal, Telos, is launching a Call for Papers as part of its "African Philosophy" project
The DOMUNI team wishes you a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful year!
UN recommends Domuni for consultative status
Domuni Universitas is proud to announce the launching, next September, of a new master in Human Rights.
All the Domuni teams wish you a beautiful Easter Triduum!
Domuni Universitas is pleased to announce the launch of a new partnership with the NT4 association (Nostra Aetate 4). The organisation is dedicated to the dialogue between Jews and Christians.
From 20 to 28 October 2018, Domuni Universitas invites you to a study and research session in the Kingdom of Jordan. Apply quickly !
Edouard found the best way to Social Sciences and Humanities studies, while working as an educator.
"Sharing wisdom: The quest for one-ness" from July 23th to August 3rd, 2017.
Peter Lobo, OP
The Dominican Institute in Ibadan (Nigeria) and Domuni University, the International Dominican University, have entered a strategic alliance to strengthen the educational opportunities of students from both institutions.
International Congress in Zagreb, co-organized by the University DOMUNI, from January 8 to 10, 2016.
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Professor Jesús Díaz Sariego op, Director of the Spanish section of our University and Professor of Christology and Mariology was appointed the new Prior Provincial of the Dominican Province of Spain