4 may 2022
JOCAP issue n°3
JOCAP issue n°3
Discover the new issue of the international academic journal JOCAP online!
5 april 2022
Our journals’ websites got a makeover!
Our journals’ websites got a makeover!
Read the articles online or download all our open-access issues!
2 march 2022
Domuni Universitas visits CUE
Domuni Universitas visits CUE
Discussions to initiate collaboration between the two universities.
22 february 2022
Telos issue No. 7
Telos issue No. 7
Discover the new issue of the international journal Telos online!
5 january 2022
Call for papers - The body in the time of covid-19
Call for papers - The body in the time of covid-19
The journal Telos is calling for papers for its issue "The Body in the Time of Covid-19".